My system is not wanting to recognize my Blu-Ray and DVD player when a disc is loaded in to the drives. Well, sometimes (but very rarely) for the DVD player, it does, but never for the Blu-Ray.
Now, let me clarify what I just said a bit.....When I go in to Device manager, the two drives show up as what they are. I go to properties, and everything is all fine and dandy.
When I put a DVD-R or a +R disc in to either one of them, then go to Nero "Nero Burning ROM", or Cyberlink PowerDVD 12, or even the LG Tool kit (Because the Blu-Ray drive is from LG, model number UH12NS29), the stupid PC says to, "Please insert a disk into DVD Drive (D:)". Actually, when I do that same thing and put it in to the Blu-Ray, it says, "Please insert a disc into drive H:"Same thing said when I go to "Computer" and click on the drives. When I put in a Blu-Ray disc that has prerecorded material on it like "RUSH - Beyond the lighted stage", it says, "Please insert a disc into drive H:".
Also, even though the discs can be brand new, Nero sometimes says' "Please insert an empty disc to write to...". The damn thing is empty because it is brand new! No matter how many discs I use, it is stuck on telling me the same thing.
All of my drivers are up to date. I have zero viruses in my system, and never had one in it!
My system is (major components):
Windows 7 64Bit, i7-3930K, Motherboard is a Gigabyte GA-X79-UD3, 16Gbs of G.Skill RAM @ 2133MHz, nVidia GPU (not that this matters), 1000 watt Power Supply (it's overkill for me)...........
I called CyberPowerPC (Whom I ordered the computer from) about this. They sent me a small program that fixes something or other to where the Blu-Ray and DVD drives should work. Did they work? Of course not. NOw I am supposed to send in the Blu-Ray drive. The DVD drive is from my old HP system.
I have redone the hard drive like if it was brand new with barely anything in it. Guess what the DVD and the Blu-Ray brothers did?? Nothing! Of course they did nothing! What did you expect?
I am lost! Can someone please help me out with this stupid issue!?!?

Thank you very much for all of you who read this post and for anyone who maturely answers my question.

Best regards,