Wow! CHKDSK /r /f did the trick!!!!
I have attached a screenshot of resmon after having started System Restore and having run the CHKDSK /r /f. Look at that disc access! I believe that my computer is back-to-normal!!! (well, as normal as a M$ computer can be - Ha!)
I did so much research and NEVER saw this command in any blog or company help site.
I am so very grateful to you for this assistance and invaluable knowledge!
I do appologize for having placed my postings in the incorrect section of your site. I'll be more cognizant the next time, whether it is good news or bad news.
It is
so sweet watching the Disk Annunciator, as I write this, and seeing more "dark" than "light".
I will contribute when my Social Security is deposited, hopefully Monday. I've never used PayPal and will have another lesson in on-line banking...Ha!
Again, THANK YOU, SHANE for all you do for us. I am smiling, right now, because of you and your care and concern and TIME you spend for us!
With great respect and graditude,
Bubba Euler