Which version of Windows are you using ?
If you are using Win 10 then start the computer and when the Windows logo comes up, power shutdown then repeat that another twice where Preparing Automatic Repair should come up.
If that reports it is unable to auto repair, click on Advanced options and select Troubleshoot/Advanced options/Startup Settings - Restart then F5 to see if it will boot into Safe Mode with Networking.
Download the batch file in this article to add Take Ownership to the right click context menu -
https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/3841-add-take-ownership-context-menu-windows-10-a.htmlOpen Windows Explorer - Windows (C)\Windows\System32\TSTheme and right click on that and select Take Ownership
Right click on it again and select Properties then under the Security tab click on Edit then on Users and select Remove.
Confirm and close that up and restart to see if that has resolved.