My apologies - thought you were using Task Manager.
Right click on the Taskbar and select Task Manager then under the Processes tab, click on Memory to sort to highest user first and then follow those steps.
NP I was not clear as to what I was running. In the TM when I right click I don't see "Go to services" but I do see "Go to Details", in the details view when I right-click I do see "Go to Services".
At this point I need more education (dummies version)
I found several YouTube videos and will watch them, hopefully they are good.
BTW MRT is still scanning the C drive, with 39 infected items (at this time I have no idea as to what they are). The progress bar looks like 1% completed, the scan time is currently 4 HR 50 minutes. At this rate it will take days to complete. As expected currently MRT is consuming a huge chunk of the CPU (23-40%) and the total CPU is between 70-94%. Until MRT completes there is not much I can do except try to get more education.
In the Resource Monitor five of the cores seem to be the same (80-93% and the 6th is almost always above 90%