Hi, samson, when i first connected, there was an alert that this computer supports 1920x1080, and i had tried that. It was not equal to that , but i could select from advance menu settings in adapter settings to 1920x1440. But it was too difficult to view.
I do not know whether my gpu supports this resolution. So, as per your instruction i had downloaded the samsung drive for monitor. Ok.
Now i tried the resolution of 1600x1200 in the adapter settings, but that was also not proved to be good view.
Now i changed that to the 1024x786, which was my previous settings. It does look to be good view. If i reduce to further, some of the items went out of the screen. So, i take that my gpu supports 1024x768.
If suppose, my gpu supports 1920x1080, then would it be a nice view?
Can i have a new card supporting with the old card , or could i use the new card , disabling the old video card, which came with my system , when i bought it in 2004.?
Or is it enough that i set resolution to the present size and continue without any viewing problem?
I do not know what you mean by the last word , irony.......You mean my BOLD letters downunder each post.