Hi, there is a separate light for wireless, and it could be enabled thro, modem settings. if you uncheck wireless connection , it is off. I know it is on.
Second, i do not have any wireless settings shown in tray in desktop pc. But the same is shown, in laptop, where i am using wireless service.
I do not also find manage wireless network in my network settings, in the left pane. It only has adopter settings.
If i remove the ethernet connection, total connection is lost, even i could not get connection on laptop, even though the wireless light is on.
I have enabled the wireless connection, thro the LSP and changed the password there.
I was asked for the first time, in laptop, when i try to establish the connection of internet to laptop.
So, the possibility of allowing the wireless connection, is stored in xp and could be recovered as 64 hexadecimal key. I will try to remember the program i used to get the hexa code. nirsoft has a software, but it could not get the active connection code. It shows previous ssid and codes.
The other program, capture the hexa code, but there must be a way to decode it to the actual.
The xp version, due to previous , may not have the decryptor to do more than that.
Why there was no settings for wirelss in the desktop computer. i will try all the things including show hidden icons.