Hi, Samson
today i brought the modem to the ISP configurer. He told that there might be something fishy about the whole thing. I asked him to check. he tried by getting my tele line , and started accessing the gateway. He asked me whether i reset anything. I said, i had not done after configuration recently. He tried and he also had the same error. It does not let past the password screen, saying object is protected.
Believe me or not, he tried successful reset and factory reset . He tested some ping test, and lastly he could get the internet light . I was getting all the lights including connection, but could not access gateway.
I already told him that every time i contacted the help desk, they will give a sort of numbers to reestablish the connection. I said that this had been annoying , as always one would not know, when my internet connection will go, and to get another points from help desk. He says that there is no setting of port 80 in the modem settings.He aslo ruled out the possibility of updating firmware. He says that i may loose all acess if i do so, without analyisng the whole thing.
At last after four trials i could get back my internet access. He advised me to use the internet and disable the wiifi in the settings , if at all to get rid of this problem.
Does the usage of android phone injected the so called Rom 0 or the reverse is yet to be analysed.
he says frequent configuration may completely make the modem unusable.
the modem i bought when i got internet connection, manufactured by the company itself lasts till today without any problem. The terracom modem has this problem.
Now , how to get riod of this so called hidden page virus. Is there any safety scanner without any side effects like internet connectivity loss?
His experience in going to cmd and typing some commands, checking with his modem on the settings applied , his technical expertise were spent on my modem for nearly one hour to get the kind of response .
I tried one scanncer, but it could not first of all recognize the wifi connection, as it is included in the internet modem as one. So whenever one switches , the wifi comes alive. I did not share the password of my wifi.