Awesome find actually. I have been slammed with computer repair customers over the last week and I still have a ton more this week.
On one of the computers I opened my windows repair and it frooze every time as soon as it got to the main window. What was really odd is if task manager was open at the same time it would freeze as well. But I could still use other things including the start menu fine.
So the onlyway I could kill my program was to open a cmd.exe window and type in
taskkill /IM repair_windows.exe /F
Soon as my program closed task manager started responding again and was fine. First time I ever seen that and wasnt happy about it because I didnt change anything in my program so why on earth was it happening?
Do you have any idea how much wasted time and research you all saved me from on trying to find something wrong in my program that wasnt there? lol
Now, once i get home from my jobs tomorrow I will need to go do some reason on KB3097877
