Hi, Shane Thanks.
Is there any software that would remove the vocal from the music. Nowadays even reception is arranged not inviting music parties, but by these karoke. There you have to select the songs for which karoke is already made. Just you have to sing looking at the lyrics and music is there to take care of the rest. It was a different experience, rather than inviting music troupes and hearing their singing the songs. Here, you and your family members sing, if you have a grip of music in you.
I read that you could do one by the software. But i tried wavosaur and audacity to remove the vocal, but they did not. The vocal is there after the treatment of audacity and wavosaur tricks.
Is there any way to remove. But i have seen umpteen number of songs, having karoke effect.
How to know that which songs could be karoked. I heard that if the middle of the pane is actually reserved for vocal the other being left to left and right side music instruments. But is there a way.
Shane, is this legal to make karoke of existing tracks?