After a Restart and a successful login to Win7, perhaps you can display some sort of popup message indicating that the "Registry Backup Restore operation was successful (or failed)" Or something similar. The Win7 Backup/Restore function currently displays an informative message regarding the restore success/failure on Restart and login. This definitely puts me at ease.
However,I too would feel better if like Win system restore there is a fail or succeed indication tha at truly reflects the status of the operstion.
The program would actually tell you if it failed before the reboot. If you noticed it will say restore successful on the program window and then ask for the reboot.
Here is how the restore works

Restoring the main system registry files is done with a Windows API RegReplaceKey. The API takes the reg file and moves it to the reg folder and rename the others. It is set to use them at next boot. If the API fails doing this it tells my program.
The profile reg files are restored a different way and no way to really keep track of them.
I use the MoveFileEx API which in turn stores the files to be moved at boot here
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations
Again if any of the API calls failed the program would have told you before the reboot

The only way the program would be able to tell if the restore worked after the reboot would be to first write something to each reg section before the restore and then after reboot see if the temp key it made is gone since it should have been replaced from the backup.
I would then need to make another small exe and have it set to run once at the next boot to read the reg to let you know if it worked or not.
I was hoping the program letting you know before the reboot would be good enough lol