I have tried Registry Backup and there a few things that I noticed!
I also write things that have been fixed, but didn't work in the first beta release, maybe someone who reads this have had the same problem, so they see what fixed it.
This work now in 0.9.1!!!
The first time I open "Registry backup" there is only 3 "user registry files", then if I Close and open the program again there is 7 "User registry files".It took about 70 sec to backup for me then I backup manually! Thats just an observation, nothing wrong with that time!
I have tried to do a backup and then restore it and it worked!

These three things are rather unimportant but:
Under "Backup Location" if I have checked "Change backup location" and clicked on the button "Choose folder to store backups" I would like it to start at the latest folder that I have choosen.
Under "Backup Location" again if I have checked "Change backup location" and I have clicked on the text and the text cursor are blinking I also would like to write the backup location and be able to create a folder from there not having to go thru the "Explorer".
In "Check for updates" under settings it says, "Check for program updates at startup", you mean at startup of this program (Registry Backup) not Windows startup (so that you add something to run in the registry)?
If I create a schedule in "scheduling options" and close the option, then I open the "Task scheduler" and change "configure for" from: "
Windows server 2003, Windows Xp or Windows 2000" to "
Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2", then in Scheduling options under settings in registry backup I tried to click on edit it says: Couldn't find Schedule. Maybe I shouldn't change "configure for" to windows 7?
This work now in 0.9.1!
Backup by using "Task scheduler" doesn't work for me. Then I look in "Process explorer" under taskeng.exe the TweakingRegistryBackup.exe start but it doesn't do anything. I have tried to change options in Task scheduler but nothing helps. I can do a backup manually and "Volume Shadow Copy" works.This works then I restart the computer!!!
I have noticed when Task schedueler are finished with the backup so I see in Process explorer that the cpu on " TweakingRegistryBackup.exe" are at 25% and vss_start.exe at 0.1% and it doesn't stop. In "Log_VSS" I see that then I do a backup it deletes all shadow copies:
(Option: Delete all shadow copies)
This will delete all shadow copies in the system. Are you sure? [Y/N]
- Setting the VSS context to: 0xffffffff
- Deleting shadow copy {b312b803-f794-4726-980f-2ddbc21f47a2} on \\?\Volume{ac49bd0f-c993-11e0-a094-806e6f6e6963}\ from provider {b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5} [0x0042000d]...
I have used erunt a few weeks ago when things got wrong in the registry and it worked fine. This program seems to be even better and it looks good and are easy to use.
