I have a Win 8.1 x64 PC fully updated (almost) Plenty of RAM, CPU and hard drive space.
I have Windows update set to Never Check, and Update Windows and MS Products.
I have had a lot of problems with Windows Update, I had been away from my PC for about 4 weeks and when I ran
Windows Update it found over 40 Updates, I selected all and clicked install, the caption changed to "Downloading updates progress 0%'
It stayed on 0% for over 8 hours before I gave up, Ran updates again, this time I tried one file, it worked okay then I selected four files,
that failed in the same way with 0% progress, I eventually managed to get all but two of the updates installed, but along the way I have had issues.
On some occasion "Check for updates" just ran for an hour or so and went nowhere, to fix this I ran "Action Centre's" Fix problems with Windows Update.
then it would run okay, sometimes, on other occasions I had to delete the content in C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution before it would work (I turned off WU service first, the back on when I hade deleted the content).
Now I am a stage where nothing seems to get me over the problems, when I go through the "fix" process to get WU to work, the two updates are found, selecting either one or both installs them but on reboot I get a "Failed configuring Windows Updates, undoing changes" during the boot cycle. This has happened many time.
I ran the Windows All In one fix selecting every option, that did not work, I did the change to DNS Server thing, that did not fix the problem, then I ran AIO again, that did not fix the problem,
I then ran the Repair WMI and Repair Windows Updates, same result.
On other issue that may be a clue is that the first time I run "Check for updates" after running the Fix, either Action Centre, AIO or Repair updates, (from this site)
I get an error 8024a000, which I believe is a connection error, I click on try again and it works, (finding Updates that is)
I have looked on the forums and I have not found a single definitive fix for Updates in Windows 8x, the other ones I have tries are
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
Everything found on this site.
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/949358I am on the Verge of giving up, can you help?