Author Topic: more error messages text- windows with Registry Backup  (Read 9931 times)

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Offline Gamezertruth

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more error messages text- windows with Registry Backup
« on: July 11, 2014, 09:47:58 pm »
This problem still has not been resolved yet, so I got back with more of the text of the error in the log files of the program -)
Note : I can confirm that the problem is caused by the NPE program, a pop-up error messages appear when both NPE & Registry Backup programs are working at the same time! Both are pop-up when I run a scan with the NPE program / ​​when your program is doing a restore point in the next system reboot!

Code: [Select]
[12/07/14 - 6:43:18 ص] Waiting for Volume Shadow Copy snapshot...

[12/07/14 - 6:47:18 ص] Volume Shadow Copy Failed! vss_7_8_2008_2012_32.exe isn't running. Check the Log_VSS.txt file to view any errors.
[12/07/14 - 6:47:18 ص] Is vss_start.exe Running: True
[12/07/14 - 6:47:18 ص] Is vss_7_8_2008_2012_32.exe Running: False
[12/07/14 - 6:47:18 ص] Is vss_pause.exe Running: False

Code: [Select]
ERROR: Win32 call "CreateProcess( NULL, (LPWSTR)execCommand.c_str(), NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi )" failed.
- GetLastError() == 2
- Error text:       .

- Please re-run VSHADOW.EXE with the /tracing option to get more details
- Backup failed. Mark all writers as not succesfully backed up...
Completing the backup (BackupComplete) ...
(Waiting for the asynchronous operation to finish...)
(Waiting for the asynchronous operation to finish...)
The batch file cannot be found.


check my topic,2112.0.html

The other problem that the program that deletes system restore points previously stored on the system! Fortunately, I've noticed that I have and screenshots
« Last Edit: July 11, 2014, 09:52:03 pm by G-hot »