As the title suggests, my folders are read only. My Microsoft programs are working but third party apps are not able to save files, even when run as administrator. I'm running Windows 10 on a desktop.
I've tried resetting, in the properties, the read only square to be blank but to no avail.
I tried using the command prompt. Didn't work, even though it said it did.
I also tried resetting permissions for my user account. No luck.
Finally, I happened upon the repair program, and I tried using the registry and permissions resets (Options 1 and 2, which seemed the most relevant for my issue.) Neither one worked, and now I'm here.
I'm attaching a screenshot so it can be understood what exactly is going on here:
I've exhausted all of my options that I know about, so is there anything I can do about this? Should I use different options on the repair program? Other solutions?