- Don't worry whether WR does or doesn't support any 64 bit system because the program code is (already) clever enough to find out if the program is run on a 32 or a 64 bit system. Only a 64 bit system has a folder called "C:\Windows\syswow64\.....". If that folder ("syswow64") is present then WR will act appropriately. And this is independent from the type of Operating System (XP, Vista, Win 7, ........ ). Yes, I know there are/were also 64 bit XP (!!!) systems around. I have seen one example of that here on the forum in the past.
- There is another problem. I received a notification of your reply but your reply was placed in the "Spam folder" of my email account by my ISP. And it was marked "[DKIM]" that seems (!!!!) to signal that the sender of that notification has a "DKIM" error/problem (?????). Perhaps Shane can look into that as well ?