If you read this article you will see what I mean about the hack to add Take ownership to the right click context menu which is an easy way of taking ownership of a file/program.
https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/3841-add-take-ownership-context-menu-windows-10-a.html It sounds very much like PCMatic is the cause of this - this is why I was wanting you to install and run the repair program in Safe Mode with Networking to see what happens then.
In that mode all 3rd party programs are isolated from running which is why it is advocated running the repair program in that mode because an antivirus program can get in the way.
Antivirus programs depending upon their Definitions (usually) can become quite defensive when it comes to programs that have the ability to change the registry.
According to the article on how PCMatic works, a program is sent to PCMatic to check if it is white or black listed.
It would seem as the program is listed in neither, it is in limbo.
If the repair program opens and runs as it should in Safe Mode with Networking then I would advise you to contact PCMatic to have
www.tweaking.com whitelisted and then see how things go.
At the bottom of the PCMatic article there is a Contact Us link you can use.