Even thought I had some improvement by running the all in 1 & had the program do many updates it had previously downloaded & had reversed before. It still didn't change to 8.1.
From what I read almost everyone hates Windows 8 & 8.1 so maybe I'm better off without it. Microsoft goes from one horror to another. I see that Microsoft has already withdrawn from sale almost all versions of 7 & 8 & intends to jump to version 10.
I bought Windows 95 when it first came out but as everyone knows if didn't do what it claimed. The you bought & paid for Windows 98, with exactly the same results. I have also been through the same thing other version like XP ,7 & some other versions.
If anyone intends to use Windows 10, Microsoft should be paying you for all of the wasted time & money it cost. Instead of purchasing it we should be suing them for false advertising.
These big software have bugs in them & continue to do so. Another example is iTunes which for years has had a duplicate track finder that is wrong. You can have the same song title by the same artist on different albums, with different arrangements & could have been recorded 30 years apart ,where the length of the one version can to double that of the other one yet they call them duplicates.