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Messages - SaleemAtlan

Pages: [1]
General Computer Support / Re: I don't know a reason of an issue
« on: January 30, 2018, 01:51:04 pm »
I added a lot of information to my word document via MS Word 2010, but today something has happened and I saw: Word was unable to read the document. It may be corrupt.

- Several "text" recovery programs.
- I have tried using word to repair and open the documents
- I have tried opening the documents in several other text browsers - ie. Notepad, wordpad etc
- I have tried using winzip, winrar and 7zip to retreive text
- I have tried changing options in word to attempt to open the document as a draft.
- I have tried to use word to "insert text" from the document
- If nothing can help you for decision problem how to restore .docx, then [Link removed by Moderator] or visit

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