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Messages - machinehead

Pages: [1]
Disabled most of the startup stuff.
No help on shutdown but startup is faster.

Tried all the power options stuff.
Didn't realize my startup things might affect shutdown time, particularly since it all started with 1709.
I'll try disabling startup items and see what happens.

Title pretty much says it all. Since this update my shutdown has gone from 40 seconds to 4 minutes or more.

When I tell it to shut down, it goes to the blue screen that says 'shutting down' and flashes a couple of messages about stopping services. At around 14 seconds the monitor turns off but the lights on the computer are still on.  This is the behavior the machine has always had with Windows 10.  Before the update the lights on the computer would go out after another 20 or 25 seconds and I turn off the UPS.  Now, it takes another 3 or 4 minutes for the machine to finish.

Any suggestions on where to look for the problem?

4 Support & Help / Re: 08 - Repair MDAC/MS Jet fails
« on: January 01, 2018, 03:20:44 pm »
I realized a bit more info might be useful.
The program does do a brief CPU usage and Drive Write every 7 seconds.
And, if it matters, I do have a database with a lot of entries.

5 Support & Help / Re: 08 - Repair MDAC/MS Jet fails
« on: January 01, 2018, 03:12:21 pm »
Perhaps I should start a new  thread but  I  have  exactly the opposite issue.
08 has been running for  two hours now.
How long should I let it run?
What's the best way to exit it if I give up on it?

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