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Messages - P7RRF

Pages: [1]
Good afternoon Boggin

I've managed to find some time today to free myself from working with the builder, and catch up on a backlog of admin tasks. This has involved extensive use of the net.  For reasons that I can't comprehend, not once have I experienced a response times of more than a few seconds.  It's uncanny.  Clearly something must have happened, but I'm struggling hard to put my finger on what that might be.

Over the next few weeks I'll attempt to record any system or environmental differences that co-inicide with periods of excessive response times - should they occur!  In the meantime, it might be sensible to close this thread.  I would then open another thread should the issue re-appear.

My thanks for your kind assistance.

Best wishes



Thanks for the hardware monitor link.  I've downloaded and run it.  Max temp shown on any component of 38ยบ.

For a few days starting tomorrow, we hit a busy phase in our housebuild.  I'll have very little spare time to work on this response time problem.  So it may be early next week before I can get back to you with responses to the items in your earlier list.  I'm determined to resolve this issue - and will be back!

Good morning Boggin

I cleaned inside my PC this morning.  Strangely, no fluff.  Just dust that I carefully vacuumed.  Too early to see if this has improved the situation.  So in the meantime I'll work my way through the other items you identified.



Once again many thanks for your in-depth analysis.  You've provided me with much to think about, and I will go through each of your points with care, hopefully a little later in the day.

In the meantime your reference to overheating made me wonder.  Firstly, my machine has overheated in the past.  We're living in the house we are still building.  The environment is very dusty despite our attempts to restrict dust to the work area.  Seconly, I've noticed that the problem seems to be worse later in the day rather than first thing in the morning when I switch it on and leave it running.  So my first task will be a good clean!

I'll report back later.


Many thanks for your response and suggestion.  I invoked cleanmgr in Administrator mode.  This offered the report you can see in the attached Word doc.  Relative to the disk space available, I can't gauge if the original 788MB figure is a large amount to clean.  So just in case it's relevant, I included the C: drive properties in the doc file.

I've let Cleanup remove all bar the Recycle bin taking the 788MB down to 414MB.


For several months I've been experiencing frustratingly long response times on the net.  I use Firefox and Bing.  Typically after a reboot, I'll get very good response times (a second or so) with the first 6 - 12 urls.  Then response times can be measured in minutes.  Quite frequently the request just times-out.  I tried to swap between Userids, but this made no difference.  I tried IE and Google.  The same.  I have no choice but to reboot.  Just occasionally and very confusingly, I can use my system with good response time for up to 30 minutes before the problem re-appears.

I've checked line speeds (BT with BTInternet).  Downloads between 5-6Mbps, uploads between 0.5-0.6Mbps.  Good for our rural area.  I've tried various Malware products, singly and in groups.  These include my own Anti-virus Bitdefender, Malwarebytes, SAS and Spybot. With no obvious improvement using this technique, I checked the Web for "How to identify and resolve bottlenecks in XP".  That's when I cam across

Hope that helps



Many thanks for taking the trouble to respond to my post so quickly.

I can confirm that I was indeed in SAFE mode when applying v3.9.35.  By way of a guide, I use a black screen backdrop with SAFE, and a pale blue screen backdrop otherwise.  I was also working in Administrator mode.

I much appreciate your pointer to updates for legacy systems, and will check them out and apply as required.



Attached is the Repair Log file from my first attempts at running Windows Repair v3.9.35.  As you can see, the process timed out after memory clean and before the actual repair phase started.

Are you able to suggest any solutions/actions I should take to overcome this impasse?

Many thanks

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