Tweaking.com Support & Help / Re: Registry Backup 3.5.1 problem
« on: October 08, 2016, 04:54:25 pm »
Now this is strange! I just now opened Registry Backup. I minimized it to the task bar. When I restored it from the task bar, the Registry Backup screen appears normal. I then opened Advanced and Unselected Enable Fallback Method, went to the main screen and clicked on Backup and VSS worked this time! After it finished, I closed Registry Backup and re-opened it. Again, the screen is messed up as per the screen shot I posted first, but if I minimize it to Task Bar and restore it, the screen returns to normal. I tested it through Task Scheduler by manually selecting Run and it ran and produced a backup folder. So it seems as if it has a mind of it's own and decided to run VSS! However, the screen jumble still exists. FYI, log files for this test backup are attached.