Tweaking.com Support & Help / Re: Windows Repair (All in One) Keeps Deleting Quick Launch
« on: February 01, 2018, 09:35:30 pm »I use the free version of CCleaner to clean the temp folder cache etc. but I'll ask why it's removing your Quick Launch bar.
Do your icons regularly suffer from corruption that you need to run that repair ?
If you decide to use CCleaner, click on Options - Monitoring and uncheck those boxes.
Click on Cleaner and under the Windows tab scroll down to System and uncheck the Memory Dumps box then under the Applications tab, scroll down to Windows and uncheck the MS Search box before clearing the cache.
Thanks for the info. I'm familiar with CCleaner, as I'm a fan and have been using it for years. I can definitely see just using it as an alternative to Windows Repair for most things, as I really only need all in one for the icon repair (which only happens every once in a while). But I did have two more quick questions.
1) In CCleaner, does the "Temporary Files" check box under the System list in the Windows tab perform the exact same function as the "Remove Temp Files" option in Windows Repair?
2) I've ran CCleaner for years with both the Memory Dump and MS Search boxes checked. What's the significance of unchecking those and will I see a benefit to that vs keeping those cleared out?