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Messages - denacrump00

Pages: [1]
Thanks Julian, I ran the chkdsk/f 2x, then again on startup, said it was ok, but dism still reporting unrepairable, tried to point to wim file on win 10 disc but the code kept giving me an error. I hoped that redownloading the updates would fix it, but no go. So I requested a chkdsk /r to see if it can fix the component store  corruption, and rebooted. Who knows how long it will take.  :thinking:

If I could afford a 1Tb backup drive, and didn't have tons of crackd stuff, I'd of skipped the BS and just done a clean install. I'd  love to know your thoughts about eventually moving to a 4Tb personal cloud, I found mixed reviews, and I'm taking a risk using online storage with my 'other'  files. Other than a backup of my files, I want to access my media from all my devices, and be able to share files /media...

Idk if it helps but I did rename the windows7.old file to keep it from deleting, and I still have the windows 7 repair disc. If there's anyway I can use either to repair dism. Some have reported a in place upgrade fixes the prob? I may end up doing it anyway, God knows what else has been lost. I would like to know how to do that from command prompt, just in case I need to, if it fails to boot in the future. I guess we'll see how this works, it's been on 17% for over 4 hrs.  :shocked:

Anyway, thank you both for hanging on with me through this process.

Dena  :confused:

Ok something happened cuz windows 10 said hi when I logged into the administrator account
Does this mean windows 10 is a Virgin again? If so I'll back up reg should I try to create a repair disk?
Got into safe mode administrator
Launched win repair
Backed up reg
Check disk still reporting errors
Set to scan on restart
Sfc/ Scannow still reports unable to run from win repair
Also admin command prompt
Reparse n variables fine
Can I create a full repair disk unlike win 10 disk that won't screw up my installed programs? Like what win 7 had,,,
ALSO want to create a task for daily restore points, prev all restore continues to be deleted from pc...  Memory fine

Net stop wuauserv
Service name invalid
Ran chkdsk. /f
Ran for nearly 2 days each time. And I ran itt twice
Was unable to get vid full screen
Sfc /scannow. Still reporting service pending
I believe windows 10 reg is screwed
Was able to get disk
But refresh windows 10. Says will delete all installed programs
Can I force another download /upgrade to Windows 10 that will not screw up my files and installed programs?

 nothing. Under gpt
Couldn't find pending. Xml pending.old
Couldn't find those reg keys

This may be premature, but I found the video for restoring registry backup from command prompt in the tweaking.Com articles section. I restored the registry and it rebooted and stated it was doing a checkdisk!  Looks like it's gonna boot!  :smiley:

Am I able to also restore the backed up registry from command prompt? Will that help? I will have to reboot to command prompt and walk through your suggestions. I am currently using the hp windows bypass instant internet feature to search and post. Thank you so very much for your help. Will post with update asap.

No, I thought I had, but I obviously got distracted. Figures. I am trying to get a friend to make one for me.

I do not have a repair disk. I am trying get my hands on one. As for now its just command prompt and yes it starts as x:\. I am sorry I am not quite a noob, but I am learning as I go.

windows 10 hp from windows 7
Followed all suggested steps scans backups etc
started repair from safe mode
ran over 18hrs followed instruction on site to reboot
windows failed to boot
safe mode failed
start up repair failed
command prompt
c and d switched
used disk part to switch back
used to fix/repair now says boot to c
however still unable to boot
do not have iso
ran all chckdisk fine
sfc/scannow system repair pending
deleted pending from registry
dism /image:C:\ /cleanup-image /revertpendingactions does nothing
del C:\windows\winsxs\pending.xml file not found
del c:\windows\winsxs\cleanup.xml file not found
still says repair pending when I try to run sfc/scannow
still unable to boot to windows or safe mode
removed d from volume 1 (system)also active
volume 2 C active
rebuild bcd
total installations 0
still nothing
boots to windows10 screen spins
back to windows10 screen spins indefinitely
can only access command prompt from hp repair/recover
Is the system repair pending keeping me from booting to windows?
Ive been googling for days to fix it, nothing seems to interrupt the pending repair, and rebooting just spins at windows 10 screen indefinitely...
There is no pending in re gistry either to delete, dism fails,
can I download the iso to a memory card without the media creation tool
will an hp windows 7 clean image option delete 400gb of files?
Do I try to start backing up to an external drive?
please help!

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