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Messages - PaulW

Pages: [1]
General Computer Support / Win 7 with no permissions
« on: January 22, 2016, 07:42:32 am »
Win7 32 bit. Home Premium Svc Pack 1
 I have read the various fixes on this forum and many others an my problem persists.
 I can no longer update various programs or such things as change my user account or allow to run as  administer. I downloaded malware and am denied permission to open it. Many times I try to do a function and nothing happens then sometimes I get the denied permission window. I cannot create or remove any accounts or change system folders. Using the Cmd.exe I cannot make either active or not.
As you could deduce  my security, owner windows, etc. all have shields for the feature the various fixes tell me to use.
 I do not have the Install DVD or any other CD to implement a repair and the Key for the install is lost which prevents me for using a Microsoft download.
Sure hope  for your help, Thanks,Paul

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