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Messages - userinit999

Pages: [1]
1 Support & Help / Re: Windows 10 dos_restore.cmd file blank
« on: September 05, 2015, 07:48:32 am »

How is the update to fix Windows 10 coming? Thanks.

2 Support & Help / Re: Windows 10 dos_restore.cmd file blank
« on: August 28, 2015, 07:17:55 am »
Okay, great. Is there a reason why the BCD-Template file is not backed up on Windows 10 as well?

When using the stand-alone Registry Backup program in Windows 10, I noticed that the 'dos_restore.cmd' file inside the backup folder is completely blank. However, this is not the case when backing up the registry in Windows Vista or 7, I noticed that the 'dos_restore.cmd' files in the Vista, 7 backups are not blank and are full of command line restore instructions.

Is the blank file by design or is this a Windows 10 bug?

Thank you.

4 Support & Help / Windows 10 dos_restore.cmd file blank
« on: August 27, 2015, 08:58:41 am »

When using the stand-alone Registry Backup program in Windows 10, I noticed that the 'dos_restore.cmd' file inside the backup folder is completely blank. However, this is not the case when backing up the registry in Windows Vista or 7, I noticed that the 'dos_restore.cmd' files in the Vista, 7 backups are not blank and are full of command line restore instructions.

Is the blank file by design or is this a Windows 10 bug?

Thank you.

Pages: [1]