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Messages - c2yorkies

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I do; I do!!! Have posted on Facebook in the past--been offline for months, but going back online in a month or so. With Windows 10, there'll be a huge need--my prediction is there's corruption looming given the mismatched hardware/software and the almost-force upgrade. :-)

Willy2: Yes, I made a backup of the Registry and a System Image before I ran WR; Shane's Registry backup runs through Task Scheduler at log on of any user and has been there forever--has saved my butt several times! It's not a big deal for me to reconfigure the system Services. I have other things--Change DNS Servers, Advanced System Tweaker, etc. I'm sure I've read every tip, trick, and article the main site (not the Forum); just never been chatty before this latest round of frustrations (some Microsoft updates/patches going bad, "class not recognized" errors, etc.).  :wink: Really appreciate your helping hand & support!

Sorry for the confusion: I had already run Windows Repair, so I had already lost my customized Services. Prior to running WR for a second time, I saved a backup copy of the services_startup_7.txt file (which is in the folder "Windows Repair (All in One)/files"). I send edited and saved the services_startup_7.txt file while WR was not running. I then started WR; I received the hash error; I exited WR. I restored the backup (original) services_startup_7.txt file; WR then started without a hash error. After WR opened, I tried the switch-e-roo between edited and original services_startup_7.txt files--hey, I'm a developer/programmer; hated to have all of my time go to waste. There was nothing to lose by seeing if it would use the edited version.

Thanks, Julian--I thought it should be okay, but I wanted some decision-making company!

I understand the logic of running Windows Repair/AIO from Safe Mode, and running the repair twice.
But what would be your advice regarding this situation: One of my drives is a partition that is unavailable in Safe Mode due to being a partition exceeding the 2.2TB Windows 7 limit, so it is managed by third-party software on a Windows 7 Pro SP1/64-bit system.
After running all the applicable repairs, twice, from within Safe Mode, would it be reasonable to boot into regular mode, uncheck **all** repairs except (1)Reset File Permissions and (2)Unhide Non-System Files?
These are the two repairs that I believe would be the most helpful since the drive is merely storage/backup.
Thanks ever so much. BTW, I will be donating/becoming a PRO subscriber soon...  :artist:

Windows Repair-AIO-ver3.4.2: Thrilled at the idea of customizing Windows Services (automatic, disabled, demand/manual); so many Services are unique to each one's environment (Networks, Domain, HomeGroup, Wireless/Wired, etc.). It might be nice to run Windows Repair more often--almost as a housekeeping task, rather than as a desperation repair if it were not for the daunting task of re-customize all the Services again. Way to go, Shane!
Backed up the original file services_startup_7.txt and invested considerable amount of time editing the Services based on BlackViper (you and he differed in places--Hmmm...), then I had problems...
Problem #1: Upon restarting Windows Repair, "Startup Check" generates the following
"MD4 Hash Doesn't Match: files\services_startup_7.txt" (refer to first image; second image simply shows some of the edits I inserted). I then used the backup (the original) services_startup_7.txt file to start the program to bypass the error. After Windows Repair was running, I then swapped the edited and original files, in the hopes that the Repair would use my edited Services file--nope, didn't work = Problem #2.
My Info: Windows 7 Pro SP1, 64 bit.
Trying to get a really good cleaned up Windows 7, SP1, 64-bit system image before upgrading to Win10.

7 Support & Help / Re: Windows Repair v3.4.2 bug on win10
« on: August 20, 2015, 09:38:43 am »
"Disappearing Text"--not specific to Windows 10, just Shane's fast scripts! :cheesy:--What is happening is that it only "seems" as though the cmd text is disappearing. Actually, Shane's scripts are very quick, so, while you are clicking to resize the cmd window, the script is completing and closing. I have gone through the same experience you describe--many times, many years. I'm impatient, overanxious for insight into my quirky computer issues--however, there's so much more reported in the logs at the end--it's better to just wait the 2 hours and read the complete, compiled text files: After all, no matter what "news" you read, you're not going to stop All-in-One 1/4- or 1/2-way done! (I do wish the cmd window wouldn't cover up most of my 24-inch monitor  :tongue: since I like to monitor the repair steps to see how much farther I have to go.)

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