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Messages - JoKiv

Pages: [1]
I did happen to do something that forced me for migration and restore files from backup. So I mark this as solved.

I did run default options with Windows Repair + Reset File Permissions.

It did not fix problem in question. Rebooting to normal mode did took way longer than normally.

I did create another user and it seems problem is profile specific (new user account does not have association problem)

It's not too hard to migrate into another user account but if you want to give some tips how to possibly fix I'm open to suggestions.

Running safe mode.

Sfcdetails.txt as attachment (from: findstr /c:"[SR]" %windir%\Logs\CBS\CBS.log >"%userprofile%\Desktop\sfcdetails.txt", run at safe mode.)

File associations are still the same with safe-mode.

Will run your fixes again .. THIS TIME in safe mode. (Sorry for ignoring that one .. I know it's important but for some reason I had some sort of brainfart at that)

I'll edit more info into this message if no-one has not commented when I get back.

I'm using Windows 8.1 (64 bit) and I have bit odd problem with file associations.

I will use PureBasic as example here. This same were with html (firefox), pdf (sumatrapdf) and few others but I'll type those later in this message. Programs will try to associate extension but does not seem to be able to do it normal way. This includes when installing, uninstalling (leaves associations there) or withing program "register files".

So PureBasic tries to associate .pb, .pbi and .pbp and fails to do so. It's not fault of the PureBasic since same happens with every other program.

I want to register .pb to it's program (PureBasic) and the double clicking gives normal "How do you want to open this file (.pb)?" and suggests to check windows store or select program. When I select program from "Program Files\PureBasic\PureBasic.exe" the association does not get remembered. Even when I choose "[X] Use this application for all .pb files".

When I right click any .pb file and "Properties"; the "Opens with" is with green arrow icon and "Pick an application". When I click "Change..." windows presents same situation as above. I can select correct program but "Pick an application" does not change into PureBasic.exe.

With admin elevated cmd this is seen before and after trying to associate.
Code: [Select]
C:\WINDOWS\system32>assoc .pb
File association not found for extension .pb

Using "assoc .pb=PureBasic" will get remembered but that requires PureBasic to have more data in registry.

One way to fix the problem.

I did this with .pdf and html (with default application protocol)

If I create .reg file that will remove .pdf association from HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and re-inserts data there as it should be the problem were gone .. for that file association.

Doing this for every file association is quite lot of work.

If program lists itself to Windows Default Applications re-registering (like with Firefox) does not help. Firefox would still ask to be default browser at every startup.

I modified registry directly by deleting htmlfile references and re-created them by hand and .html opens Firefox, http: protocol works and Firefox knows it's default application.

I'm not sure did I fix the problem or did I "stuck" it into correct program. If I change program I would suspect old association would haunt there.

Only deleting data from registry leaves "Pick an application" into effect. Program can't change association.

I have tried to reset registry permissions. I have run 3.2.5 with default settings (did not help). I don't have system restore point so far back that I could use that. Every program seem to function properly. Just file associations are weird.

SFC /scannow gets into 100% but comments about some unfixable files. C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log is quite large to paste here and I'm not sure does it posses any security concerns if I paste it publicly.

I still keep googling and checking and provide feedback if I find something. If someone has some feedback to provide I'll gladly would like some help :)

I would not prefer any restorations where I need to reinstall most of the stuff again. System restore points are not option. I realized this problem after I had cleaned old enough restore points.
Windows built in other options are not too preferable. They require more work and I don't even know would it fix this problem without complete re-install.

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