Hello, I had trouble installing Atmel Studio, and as a result I found some advice online to change some registry settings. I did so, except I did not follow the instructions correctly, and inevitabely screwed up. I did not know what I was doing, and did not create any backups of the registry
I tried running the tweaker tool, but it failed and said that "This repair is hidden by windows itself" when trying to run the reset file permissions. Running without it didn't work.
OS: Windows Vista Home Basic Sp2
Symptoms: Windows defender can't update, says "out of memory", wireless connections panel also says out of memory. Audio doesn't work.
System restore cannot open due to an error.
Windows installer doesn't work at all.
What I've already tried: sfc /SCANNOW does nothing. msirepair.reg from the microsoft forums doesn't work. Ran ccleaner registry thing and it did something, but the problem persists.
What I did to cause the problem: I ran these commands using subinacl
https://toster.ru/q/4832 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2673275/how-do-i-fix-an-invalid-license-data-reinstall-is-required-error-in-visual-c http://blogs.msdn.com/b/astebner/archive/2006/09/04/solving-setup-errors-by-using-the-subinacl-tool-to-repair-file-and-registry-permissions.aspx I tried all of them, and may have screwed up some steps.
Additional info: My system locale is in Russian, so the computer doesn't recognize the "everyone" usergroup. I can't find a way to see the user groups, as windows home basic doesn't let you see in mmc--> local users, etc.
Please help me restore the pc back to normal, and help reset the registry if that is possible without reinstalling windows.
Perhaps there's a way to undo the changes I've made? Is there a way to see those changes?
Thanks a lot for any help!
Should I proceed with this? I DO have the install disc.