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Messages - Disneyzell

Pages: [1]
OK...well I rebooted and checkdisk ran successfully and looks like that fixed whatever the issue was. thanks for your help.

eset tells me that it can't download and wants to know if my proxy is open (no idea what that means, i killed kaspersky).  tried in IE and in Chrome.  chkdsk doesn't run it says it is not available for RAW drive.

I have, apparently, alot of issues.  I was travelling this week and when i got home last night my family informed me that our computer was having issues. It would not open any word files, and skype was acting weird.  My assumption, as always, was that my youngest downloaded some malware which he has been known to do.  I started poking around but noticed some weird things...when I reboot I get an office 2010 install error

I searched through google to no avail...then I went looking to restore (figuring my youngest did something while I was gone).  System restore was turned off (I know not by me as I used it not long ago in a similar situation).  I turned system restore back on...but of course since it was off I do not have a restore point.  Nice. 

I then went to see what the latest installs were...figuring I could back out whatever my youngest installed and that may solve the problem.  When I went to see the latest install...there were about 30 things installed by microsoft on an update to microsoft office. 

I went to microsoft to get them to help me, and then got online with me to see if they could help me "for free", and the first thing they did was a malware scan which showed some they washed their hands of me, and now I'm stuck. 

lots of other weird stuff too...I was able to save the picture that I linked above...but when I tried to do a screenshot of the microsoft update stuff I can no longer save onto my hard drive, it says the drive cannot find the sector requested.

I cleaned things with several malware scans including malwarebytes.

any suggestions?  I'm about to throw my computer out the window I'm so frustrated.  I don't know if it is an issue with microsoft...or I have some major bug...

Help!  :)

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