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Messages - hwc

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General Computer Support / Re: Pre-scan errors - how to fix them?
« on: April 25, 2015, 05:14:54 am »
Hi Shane,

Ok, I did a registry back up then ran the repairs in safe mode.  Windows update now works - woohoo!  At this point, I thought yippie, finally my precious lappie is back for good.  I was about to do a little victory dance ... 

But then, from "Control Panel\System and Security\Action Center", I saw this weird message -> "Windows did not find antivirus software on this computer". It's weird because my laptop used to recognise the Antivirus software that I have.  I've checked that the Antivirus software is still there.  So now I am not sure what to do next.

I ran the Pre-scan again and the only thing that was a problem was the "Missing Default Reparse Point" - which I had before.  I've copied & pasted the new result of the pre-scan below.

Would you please advise me what to do now?

Thanks so much for your help so far!   In Aussieland, we would call you a top bloke & possibly offer to share a slab of beers with you to say thanks!  I couldn't find the emoticon for beers though.  :cheesy:

********************** - Windows Repair - Pre-Scan
Computer: MY-PC (Windows 7 Home Premium 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1) (32-bit)
Started at (25/04/2015 9:44:32 PM)

Scanning Windows Packages Files.
Started at (25/04/2015 9:44:32 PM)

No problems where found with the Packages Files.

Files Checked & Verified: 6,449

Done (25/04/2015 9:50:54 PM)

Scanning Reparse Points.
Started at (25/04/2015 9:50:54 PM)

Missing Default Reparse Point: (Original Path: C:\ProgramData\Application Data) (Target Path: C:\ProgramData)
A Default Reparse Point is missing and this can cause problems on the system.

Problems where found with the Reparse Points.
You can use the Repair Reparse Points Tool at the bottom of this Window to try and fix these problems.

Files & Folders Searched: 261,257
Reparse Points Found: 46

Done (25/04/2015 9:53:31 PM)

Checking Environment Variables.
Started at (25/04/2015 9:53:31 PM)

No problems where found with the Environment Variables.

Done (25/04/2015 9:53:31 PM)

Done (25/04/2015 9:53:31 PM)

Done (25/04/2015 9:53:31 PM)
Scan Complete - Problems Found!

You can use the Repair Reparse Points or Repair Environment Variables tools at the bottom of this Window if needed.

While problems have been found, you can still run the repairs in the program.
But for the best results it is recommended to fix the problems reported in this scan if possible.
If you need help fixing any of the items in the log, just post in the forums at for help.

General Computer Support / Pre-scan errors - how to fix them?
« on: April 19, 2015, 07:55:29 am »

My laptop has not been able to use the Windows Update Agent for quite a few months.  But somehow I do get Windows update - I can see the updates in the directory --> Control Panel\System and Security\Windows Update\View update history.

When errors appear, I've tried to follow the so called help from the Microsoft websites from the links but nothing seems to resolve the errors.  In fact it goes from one error message to the next error message.  Luckily I've been led to your site to try your "Windows Repair" tool.

I've gone to the Pre-scan step and the following errors appear.  I don't know how to fix the Windows Package Files or the Reparse Point so would you please help me?  I've already run the Repair Reparse Points multiple times, but there is one error (ie "C:\ProgramData\Application Data" vs "C:\ProgramData") that just keeps coming back & refuses to be fixed!

Below is the last pre-scan log.

Thanks in advance!   :smiley:

****** - Windows Repair - Pre-Scan
Computer: My-PC (Windows 7 Home Premium 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1) (32-bit)
Started at (18/04/2015 4:48:23 AM)

Scanning Windows Packages Files.
Started at (18/04/2015 4:48:23 AM)

This File Is Corrupt (Bad Digital Signature):

This File Is Corrupt (Bad Digital Signature):

Problems where found with the packages files, these files need to be replaced
The SFC (System File Checker) doesn't scan and replace some of these files, so you may need to replace them manually.
If you need help in replacing these files, post on the Forums at for help.

Files Checked & Verified: 6,413

Done (18/04/2015 4:51:14 AM)

Scanning Reparse Points.
Started at (18/04/2015 4:51:14 AM)

Missing Default Reparse Point: (Original Path: C:\ProgramData\Application Data) (Target Path: C:\ProgramData)
A Default Reparse Point is missing and this can cause problems on the system.

Problems where found with the Reparse Points.
You can use the Repair Reparse Points Tool at the bottom of this Window to try and fix these problems.

Files & Folders Searched: 262,262
Reparse Points Found: 46

Done (18/04/2015 4:53:52 AM)

Checking Environment Variables.
Started at (18/04/2015 4:53:52 AM)

No problems where found with the Environment Variables.

Done (18/04/2015 4:53:52 AM)

Done (18/04/2015 4:53:52 AM)

Done (18/04/2015 4:53:52 AM)
Scan Complete - Problems Found!

You can use the Repair Reparse Points or Repair Environment Variables tools at the bottom of this Window if needed.

While problems have been found, you can still run the repairs in the program.
But for the best results it is recommended to fix the problems reported in this scan if possible.
If you need help fixing any of the items in the log, just post in the forums at for help.

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