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Messages - KLSDR

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You could boot up into the Advanced Boot options and select Repair your Computer to navigate to the Recovery Environment and select Command Prompt.

Enter bcdedit |find "osdevice" and using whichever partition letter, enter (assuming c) chkdsk c: /r

This will move data from any bad sectors and repair any files it recovers from there, but some data can be lost.

If you just use the /f switch it will still report any KBs in bad sectors but it may not be able to repair any corrupt files in the bad sectors and could fail to complete.

An alternative would be to run the chkdsk without any switches so that it is in read-only mode where it will still report the state of the volume as well as any bad sectors, but will not carry out any repairs.

Enter exit to close the command window when done

So.. even tho I have already done the above I decided what the heck try it again.. And again upon restart it booted as normal without even attempting chkdsk. So I restarted it attempting to go into safe mode w/ networking and twice was told it was unbootable. I had to press the power button to force it to shut down and was finally ablt to get it to boot to safe mode

This is a different laptop than y other post.. trying to run windows repair tool and was told many reparse points are missing so I am attatching the pre-scan results hoping for some assistance.. especially bcz this is my friends laptop that he's been running without av or updating and trying to blame me for the problems with it. so really hoping to fix it so he can see the problems weren't anything to do with me. Thank you.

I've chosen not to turn on the laptop untll I figure out how to save it so no screen shots.. but what I will say is it will only do the read only chkdsk any attempts at all (cmd or anything) just restarts the laptop as usual

Can't run chkdsk no matter what I do have tried running all av/malware programs listed.. most crash even in safe mode.. Laptop on it's last leg. really just need to back it up before it dies.

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