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Messages - bdp123

Pages: [1]
Also, with powerGUI from DELL, you can compile the powershell unblock cmdlet to an .exe file...

Yup, i know.. I looked at sysinternals but this is a "oldschool" way to do it...

I wanted a fully intergrated solution.

You could call the powershell command at startup, so ALL exe, reg etc files used by your program is unblocked.
or make it an optional feature...

Hi Shane,

I managed to solve it myself. I made a powershell command, where i unblocked all files used.

Its working now and thats great. :)

For refference, you can see the full script here:
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path C:\Winrepair
$source = ""
$Filename = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($source)
$dest = "C:\Winrepair\$Filename"
$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$wc.DownloadFile($source, $dest)
$path = "C:\Winrepair\"
$destination = “C:\Winrepair\”
$shell_app= New-Object -com shell.application
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -filter *.zip -recurse
foreach($file in $files) {
  $zip_file = $shell_app.namespace($file.FullName)
  $copyHere = $shell_app.namespace($destination)
Get-Item C:\Winrepair\Winrepair\* | Unblock-File
Start-Sleep -s 1
echo y| C:\Winrepair\Winrepair\Repair_Windows.exe /silent
Start-Sleep -s 1

Let me know if you need any comments.


Hi Shane,

Do you have a solution to this?... I need to have the silent install surpress the exe-warning totally and without any userintervention
on NEW machines.


What file containing the "button.hit" do you exactly mean? I dont quite understand...
And as i see it, these 2 solutions are both windows based and are settings which is not set by the silent run.

I want to make the silent installation completely SILENT.. The current setup is not silent and only a automatication of the selected fixes applied.

This dont work since i want to puch the silent installation out through GPO or SCCM and therefore there must be NO userinvention, like run exe-warnings etc.



I managed to work this out myself and now the install.bat calls it silent, but there is another problem now.
The "yes/no" box diplays when running silent. This is not silent, and how to i get the commands to either surpress the promt or better, answer YES to it?

Screenshot attached.

Hi Shane,

Ok, so i run the windows repair AIO portable and choose the fix'es i need and sofort.
But does the settings.ini then get loaded and all runs silent with the batchfile command for silent.

start "C:\Folder\Repair_Windows.exe" /Silent



Is there any ways to install Windows Repair (All in One) silent and then run all fixes silent/unattended?

Best regards

Pages: [1]