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Messages - [email protected]

Pages: [1]
Thanks for the quick reply.

I want to up update my TC Registry backup with the latest edition. So I uninstall the current install or install the new version over it? Thanks.

3 Support & Help / Re: Setting and deleting a schedule
« on: December 21, 2013, 03:06:45 pm »
Thank you, Shane. I agree with your underlying philosophy that SysRestore can be problematic and that backing up the registry is really the best way to protect the basic system. Had ERUNT running on wife's XP Box, which win updates crashed to a BSOD. I tried everything. Even took it to a tech friend. Then I remembered the reg backups. We restored one two days old and just like that we were up and running. Thanks for the help.
Michael Norman

4 Support & Help / Re: Setting and deleting a schedule
« on: December 21, 2013, 02:45:28 pm »
Your email pushed me to do more experimenting and I just figured out how buttons work.

What I've been trying to do is created a schedule for the program to create a backup on boot, much like ERUNT.  I tried several triggers and they all significantly increased boot time. Can you recommend settings that will create the backup at startup invisibly and not slow boot to a crawl. For the moment, I'm manually creating the backups after boot and before I start my work. I can see from the scheduling options I can run it hidden.  And I noticed that I can use the "fallback method" by running it once manually and invoking that option. Just looking for a way to get this chore done quickly and invisibly. What do you lose with fallback? Thanks for your time.

5 Support & Help / Setting and deleting a schedule
« on: December 21, 2013, 01:00:31 pm »
I'm still trying to work out a scheduled regbackup. I set one schedule. Didn't work the way I wanted. Hit the delete button under settings and thought it was gone. But all that did was disable it. Went into Win7 scheduled tasks, found the scheduled task for Tweaking, deleted it from there. Went back into the program to try to set a new schedule and when I hit "create schedule," it told me, it threw up a dialog with "schedule created." So I hit "delete schedule" again. Another dialog box with "schedule deleted." Seems the program can't make up its mind here. Rebooted, since I had to delete the schedule from Win Scheduled Tasks, thought I'd reboot. Same thing when I hit either create schedule or delete schedule. Must be a Tweaking log or setting file that is not updating.

6 Support & Help / Is there a conflict in restore instructions?
« on: December 16, 2013, 08:25:00 am »
I think there a slight conflict in the restore instructions. Here's what printed on the WEBSITE:

"Thankfully Microsoft made this recovery console much better and thus is far simpler to do a restore if Windows won't boot. Once at the "System Recovery Options" click on "Command Prompt"
Once the command prompt is open simply browse to the backup of your choice and run dos_restore.cmd
That's all, then just reboot."

In the video, however, you add an extra step. Once you see the dirs with the dates, you instruct the user to change directories to the name of the pc. Ex: cd user-mnpc. Also the does syntax with underscores is unfamiliar to me. First, can you please clear up this conflict. Second, and this would be enormously helpful: For Win 7, can you please issue a set of written step-by-step instructions, complete with cmd-line syntax, that we can print out and tuck somewhere in case of a crash and no safe mode.

I'm a former ERUNT user and really like your work on this program.

Thank you. mnorman

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