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Messages - drpad

Pages: [1]
Shane, before I do that, does it make a difference that I was able to run Malwarebytes successfully, in Safe Mode?

Hi Shane, thanks for the reply. I ran all repairs, when I ran your program. Then when I tried Malwarebytes the screen froze at:

Malwarebytes support had me run
Did that, tried Quick Scan again. This time program froze at:
which is the next string down in the registry.
The freeze causes the hour glass to appear when I run the cursor ogver the Malwarebytes program or over the toolbar. It will not allow me to open anything else. It even prevents CNTL ALT Delete from opening up. I have no choice but to do a hard shutdown.
When I reboot, Windows goes into CHKDSK mode. In the second step it finds a couple of files it moves into directory 88159, then in step 3 it moves a bunch of "orphaned" files?
Weird, huh?

Malwarebytes referred me to this repair program, since nothing else seems to work. Repair seemed to go fine, but tried to run scan and it froze at the same place. Ojn restart CHKDSK ran ok but had to repair 2 orphan files.
The file that Malwarebytes freezes on is:

Any suggestions, or just give up on trying to run MalwareBytes, since everything else seems OK?

Pages: [1]