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Messages - viidjej

Pages: [1]
Another issue might be the McAfee security software which I inadvertently installed (it was bundled?)....not sure about this but it did some strange things as it was installed....might be what changed some folders.  CCleaner says there are still remnants of it.

MS Fixit and so forth are trying to reset to original folders, etc...but things have been changed?  I'd like to know why the MS OS allows this to happen....if it has....

I've forgotten to run WU for at least 6 months at one time (another computer) and didn't notice the I'll keep good backups and hope for the best.

I have several progs that depend on I'd best not mess with it...that's how I got into trouble in the first place.

My laptop was running OK before I started I'll just do without WU for the future...4 yr old underpowered laptop anyway.  Run a bunch of security software also.  Time to look for another bargain....

I suspect it might have to do with the .NET software updates which "might" have moved things around...or maybe some other software because at one time the folder where some progs keep their data was I had to redo my backup method.  Seems that any outside prog would not be able to change folders for a basic Windows prog (WU)...and at the least MS would know what was going on?

I stopped seeing weekly "issues" after starting to run SpywareBlaster a good while AV progs and SpybotS&D do the same kind of thing...block stuff.  The new version of Spybot is interesting.  Avast hasn't found anything for 2-3 yrs.


This claimed to fix the issues....configuration of WindowsUpdate and location of update files.

But problem still remains...and this Fixit has now been discontinued.

Can't get..."diagnostic diagcab file" run.

Found 2-3 of Santas little helpers who claimed to be able to fix the a claimed it was an issue of file associations.


I actually had few to no issues with Vista Basic SP2 until I ran Windows Repair a couple of weeks ago.  Have had the same Windows Update problem where it wants to restart over and over.  I've run an MS prog to fix Windows Update and also the Windows Hotfix prog.  No luck.

Problem seems to be that Windows can't find what has been update history.  Somehow running Windows Repair removed the update list?  Windows Defender will update OK.

I might try running MS Fixit...if I can get it to run....   Also couldn't get a Kapersky virus scan to run....

Any have any manual ideas such as the "diagnostic diagcab file"....need to be specific...I mess but have limited knowledge. 

*Usually I know when to stop...but not this time.... :rolleyes:

Windows Vista Update not working, always tells me  there is a repair pending- restart to complete installation. The Tweaking Windows repair tool isn't fixing this nor is Fix it and I can't get the Windows update diagnostic diagcab file to open. Like my updates, I'm stuck! Help?

Any ideas?

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