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Messages - Scorm

Pages: [1]
Thanks, was helpful ^^

I basically have quite some experience repairing PCs from the most annoying problems (had faulty motherboard, memory and all sorts of Windows errors)
My last problem was my Windows 7 starting to boot and having BSODs after changing my Raid-0 Drivers (turns out I had broken MFT and backupMFT + bad sectors)
=> CHKDSK successfully repaired, but it took more than 4 days
But my real question is that from all the recovery/tweaking tools I will list, what is the most effective order in which I have to run them for the best recovery and result ?

(I think the 1st one should be bootrec.exe for PCs with damaged boot sectors)
- Virus/Malware/PUP scan
- Windows System Files Check (SFC)
- Windows Checkdisk with bad sectors repair (CHKDSK)
- Hard Drive defragmentation
- Registry repairing & defrag

I am guessing the last operations to do are the tweaking ones :
- RAM 'optimization'
- Startup items optimizing
- Drivers updating
- Unused software removal
? Windows updates ?
- Temporary files cleaning
- System registry tweaks
- System services tweaks

Please provide an explanation of the order you think works best and why ?
If not possible, a themed explanation or also list other tools I forgot to mention ?
Thanks, I need some really good insight here, the most you can mention :)

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