« on: March 05, 2013, 11:31:53 am »
First off, I REALLY appreciate all the help you have given me over the past few days. I have learned a lot.
Second, System Configuration Error (Code Purple) is a HP bug, whammy etc.. I found a way around it on another site. Here's the fix:
1. When the System Configuration Error (Code Purple) pops up, hit SHIFT & F10. This pops up an administrator command prompt.
2. Enter "chdir C:\hp\bin\CheckDMI"
3. Then enter "rename CheckDMI.cmd CheckDMI"
4. Enter "dir" to verify that it changed
5. Reboot system.
I did all this and it worked. Don't know exactly what the above actually does, but it got me around the Code Purple. As far as I know it only works for Vista.