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Messages - MarkAtHome

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1 Support & Help / Re: Log file
« on: February 07, 2013, 08:35:47 pm »
Each batch file I have it set like this

"set path=%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem"

The program pulls its own system variables from the API

sWindowsDriveLetter & "\Tweaking.com_Windows_Repair_Logs\_Windows_Repair_Log.txt"

There are a lot more variables than that...  :wink:

What do you do with %programfiles%, %ALLUSERSPROFILE%, and especially %APPDATA%? Don't forget %CommonProgramFiles%, %CommonProgramFiles(x86)% and %CommonProgramW6432% -- these could be on a drive other than "C".

I know that it is your program and you can do with it as you see fit. Personally, I do not favor programmers hardcoding file locations, but it is certainly your call.

2 Support & Help / Re: Log file
« on: February 05, 2013, 08:53:32 pm »
The problem looks at the system variable for the drive that Windows is on and puts the logs on that drive :wink:

Gotcha. So if I am following you, you only access the SYSTEMDRIVE variable, rather than all variables provided by the DOS/CMD SET command, yes?

3 Support & Help / Re: Log file
« on: February 05, 2013, 07:55:13 am »
Ah, so that's where the logs are. Briefing looking at them, please consider checking the registry and/or environment for folder locations, before running a module that requires them to exist on a specific drive (e.g. "C"), when they have already been moved (e.g. "D")... Using system variables would require much less effort. :wink:

Note that I only ran a couple of them to see what they might do, and I do occassionally move folders originating on Drive-C to/from Drive-D, etc., depending upon my current storage configuration, and testing (SSD vs HD, pertaining to apps being looked at).

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