« on: June 25, 2012, 10:14:40 am »
I get this message for almost every program I attempt to run under normal boot. I cant install or uninstall any programs. Access to my usb ports is unavailable, and my internet will only connect to unsecured networks. After extensive testing with s friend on geekstogo I have a clean bill of health as far as it relates to any malware issues. In safe mode I can run most programs but still have no usb or secure network connection. My cd drive does work in both normal and safe boot. My sound works in normal boot but not in safe mode. Also, I ran your Windows repair utility (in safe mode, would not run in normal boot) on the recommendation of that same friend at geeks2go but it did not fix the issue.
Any help you could provide would be much appreciated. I am running Vista SP2 32-bit