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Main Forum => Support & Help => Topic started by: charles on April 18, 2021, 08:22:18 am
I am using the "Remote Desktop IP Monitor & Blocker" on a Terminal Server. I keep getting connections with a status of "SYN_RCVD" and "ESTABLISHED" even though I have blocked the IP addresses these connections are coming from. Also... I have restarted the server multiple times.
Can anyone enlighten me on these "status" messages and what the mean?
How do I block these?
While I've downloaded the program to familiarise myself with it, it doesn't show any incoming IP addresses so I can't replicate what you are getting.
I think the SYN_RCVD and ESTABLISHED relate to sync and the connection is established.
I'd run an antivirus scan with a robust scanner such as the free ESET Online Scanner to see if it reports anything untoward.
If that comes back clean, let me know and I will pass your query onto the admins.
Can you attach a pic of what you are getting.
Hi Tom;
Thanks for the reply.
I have a good anti-virus program on the TS and nothing is amiss.
I've attached 3 images showing IP addresses that are either SYN_RCVD or ESTABLISHED. These IP address are from GB, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Russia, etc.
I know that SYN_RCVD tells me that someone is "knocking on the door" so to speak, but do not understand why sometimes they become ESTABLISHED as I have blocked the IP addresses.
I *do not* see any failed login attempts in Windows Event Viewer.
Trying to figure out what is actually happening and if they have somehow gained access to my TS and are using it without logging in.
Does your antivirus program deal with PuPs as ESET does ?
A scan with another AV program can find things that one doesn't.
A dedicated program for finding and removing PuPs is the free AdwCleaner -
Do you need remote access to your desktop as it can leave your machine vulnerable.
I'll ask one of the admins to have a look at this for you to see why the blocker doesn't appear to be working for you.
I really don't need to do more anti-virus checks.
I need to figure out just what "ESTABLISHED" means (can't seem to find any useful info on Google) and whether the person connected is using my TS for something.
Well something is allowing those IP addresses to encroach and AdwCleaner is an effective tool to find and remove adware which could be the cause.
Hard to say exactly. I looked at the ips and didn't noticed anything that looked like they were related accecpt that they seem portable. So I susecpt legit. SYN typically is looking to establish a connection once the ack is sent back - then the established sent. That doesn't mean that there is a physical connection - just that the two acknowledge they exists.
If I had to guess you have software - like ours - looking to verify ownership
. But I'll look into it further.
Are they always the same iPs?
Does your antivirus program deal with PuPs as ESET does ?