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Main Forum => General Computer Support => Topic started by: clayto on June 15, 2017, 11:11:51 am
I am unable to sign to my MS account in Windows 10 and --- I having to use my limited unfamiliar Administrator local account or my Android device. I suspect something in the signin procedure was damaged by my use of an aggressive uninstaller.. The problem is only with my computer, as online I can signin to my Windows account and Outlook.mail etc. After 7 attempts I have so far failed to get it sorted out by MS Support techs, mainly because I keep getting cut off prematurely for a variety of reasons, such as updates arriving.
I would welcome any advice on how to get back into my account.
Have you or the MS techs tried your restore points prior to the Uninstaller's use and when you were able to sign in ?
I did try 3 RPs but got negative response .... It has just occurred to me it may have been before I got the local Admin acct working so will try again.
Sent from Windows Phone one
How do you mean that you got negative response ?
My apologies, that was somewhat vague! At the time I could not remember what the response was, only that it did not work, so I used an unhelpful catch all label. What had happened was that each time an error messaging saying something like the Restore procedure was damaged and could not work. No Restore action was launched.
Since then I have attempted Restore from my new local Admin account. This time the computer did carry out a (long) 'restoration' but alas it has not resolved the issue. because it took Windows back to a point after the signin failure. I was not surprised because the oldest of the R Points available was only just under thee days old, two older R Points had been automatically removed (I suspect as a result of new ones created by the two big Windows updates
during the last week?)
I have always been mystified by Windows removing the oldest RPs which seems to me to be the opposite of what it should be. It was explained to me once by a technician but I admit I did not understand the explanation. I dont see the point of removing older RPs which are surely the ones most likely to take the PC back to a working state.
Anyway, I am back to square one, trying to get to grips with using the local Admin account, something I have not done before.
I only ever use the normal built in admin account without a password and haven't created a MS account on my upgraded Win 10 laptops.
If the big update that you got was the Creators Update which took you from build 1607 to 1703 then you have 10 days in which to roll back as it will have created a Windows.old folder.
I think it parks that in This PC/Windows (C: ) so have a look in there to see if it has created that folder.
That may contain older restore points.
You can find the option to rollback to a previous build in the advanced boot options.
Thanks, however it was not Creators as I have had that for some time. Plus I deleted Old soon afterwards as I need the storage space --- it has dropped by about 10 GB to under 5 GB in a few days for no obvious reason. I am guessing it is because I am having to install duplicates of important apps to the local account as I cannot access them via the MS Administrators Account. I can get at some files and apps from the main account but not all, and none from the Store. At least I am able to to carry out some tasks, eg. emailing with Thunderbird as Mail has gone. I cannot launch Edge but other browsers are OK.
I have in mind to try the MS Chat techs again int the hope this time I will not get cut off next time.
I've had the occasional chat with MS techs and also been cut off.
I got the impression the cut offs were because they didn't have an answer to my problem or it was because of something MS had done but they didn't want to admit to it.
How important are those apps and had you paid for them, because I'm thinking along the lines of a Reset.
I don't think a repair install will resolve your account problems.
If you have paid for any apps, then ask the MS techs if after a reset, would you get a credit for them so that you don't have to pay for them twice.