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Main Forum => Support & Help => Topic started by: John Terdik on April 24, 2017, 11:55:12 pm

Title: Advanced System Tweaker 2.0 Suggestions
Post by: John Terdik on April 24, 2017, 11:55:12 pm
Suggestion for the Advanced System Tweaker 2.0
Title: Re: Advanced System Tweaker 2.0 Suggestions
Post by: Boggin on April 25, 2017, 12:40:10 am
I'll pass this on but not sure if and when I'll get a response, but Notepad is the standard text editor.

The free version of CCleaner will remove all temp files. -

Go to its Settings/Advanced and uncheck the box to only delete files older than 24hrs and that will clean out the %temp% folder.

Also, under Cleaner and the Windows tab, uncheck the box for Memory Dumps and under Applications uncheck the box for MS Search.

You can look through the rest to see what you want to include/exclude but in Options/Monitoring, uncheck those boxes as there's no need to have it running in the background.
Title: Re: Advanced System Tweaker 2.0 Suggestions
Post by: John Terdik on April 25, 2017, 12:08:10 pm
I agree that Notepad is the standard text editor but there are MUCH better text editors. It would be super nice if a user is using something else then that would be used.    :thinking:

I actually use several of the Piriform applications of which CCleaner is one. Several years ago when I used CCleaner it seemed to have a negative impact on my system in that several thing were broken. Because CCleaner was the last thing I was aware of I blamed it for creating the issue for me. Since then I've been very leary about using it. I currently have the Pro version installed and just ran the "Analyze" function and need to research the results before pulling the trigger. BTW it only identified 72.9 MB of stuff to be removed which of course does not seem worth the effort.

I'm running CCleaner v 5.29.6033 and started to implement your suggestions but " under Applications uncheck the box for MS Search" is no longer listed. Thanks for your suggestions, I need to research it more but I fear it will take me down a lot of rabbit holes.  :omg:
Title: Re: Advanced System Tweaker 2.0 Suggestions
Post by: Boggin on April 25, 2017, 01:57:46 pm
I just run the free version of CCleaner but it is the latest version as you have and under Applications/Windows the MS Search box is still there and which I can still activate.

I'm not sure how Shane could modify the program to accommodate other text editors and it may be that the majority don't use 3rd party ones.