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Main Forum => Support & Help => Topic started by: ftr on May 02, 2016, 07:26:20 am

Title: Vista Windows MSI installer not worki after repair
Post by: ftr on May 02, 2016, 07:26:20 am
I ran Tweaking AOI Pro latest version on Vista familiale premium (I don't know how MS retranslates this into English) twice.
Due to the cleaning and tweaking the system seems to run more rapidly  :cheesy:

But I still experience the errors that made me use Tweaking Pro:
- no restauration point
- MSI not working
- no audio.

I guess I should send you the logs, but have no idea where to find them.

Title: Re: Vista Windows MSI installer not worki after repair
Post by: Julian on May 02, 2016, 11:49:58 am
Do you have an icon of windows repair on your desktop? If so right click and say open file location you should be able to see a folder that says logs.😉
Title: Re: Vista Windows MSI installer not worki after repair
Post by: Willy2 on May 02, 2016, 05:45:19 pm
- Regarding "System Restore Points" (that's the official name):  Did you run among others "Repair Volume Shadow Copy" ? Did you run "Beta Repairs" ?
- When the repairs have run you'll find under the "Log" screen/tab a button to open the folder with the logs. I am interested in which repairs you ran. Do post the logs.

- Another question: Did you run "Repair Internet Explorer" ? And did it delete the content temporary internet files folders ? I noticed that you're on a non-english system and then those files won't be deleted at all. Then Windows Repair doesn't use a system variable to do that job but it's "hardcoded".
- The problems you came across could be language related. Some repairs didn't work (past tense) on a non-english system. I've seen that more than once with this program.
- Vista had (and perhaps still has (???)) some problems when it comes to registering files (with REGSVR32). See this text from the "changelog":

Fixed a very odd bug in Windows Vista when a user ran the register system files and no other repairs. This bug would cause VSS to break and thus system restore or windows backup would stop as well. But if you ran all the repairs and ran the Repair Volume Shadow Copy it would fix it. .......................... ".
Title: Re: Vista Windows MSI installer not working
Post by: ftr on May 03, 2016, 05:43:22 am

Thanks for the location of log files.

In fact, I did all the steps, optional as well as compulsory ones, and I did the repair twice, as demanded, on a Windows Family Premium pc in safe mode.

There are 15 log files. I only include the 2nd repair. Is this all you need ?

Thanks in advance
Title: Re: Vista Windows MSI installer not worki after repair
Post by: Willy2 on May 03, 2016, 06:19:31 am
- Do you use Internet Explorer (some programs also need/use IE) ? If so, then check if the folders that contain the temporary files are empty. I assume you're on an non english version of Vista ?
- Put the logs for the 1st run in one zip file and attach them to your next reply. Go to the folder with the logs of the 2nd run, go up one level and you'll see - at least - (the) 2 folders with logs.

As said before I am interested because Vista has some small issues when it comes to running Windows Repair. Computers are complicated things right ?
Title: Re: Vista Windows MSI installer not worki after repair
Post by: ftr on May 03, 2016, 08:30:44 am
- Do you use Internet Explorer (some programs also need/use IE) ? If so, then check if the folders that contain the temporary files are empty.

No, I don't use it, but there were some 20 files left that I deleted now after having read your answer.

I assume you're on an non english version of Vista ?
Right, I run a French one.

- Put the logs for the 1st run in one zip file and attach them to your next reply. Go to the folder with the logs of the 2nd run, go up one level and you'll see - at least - (the) 2 folders with logs.

Here come the two folders zipped as you suggested.

- ftr
Title: Re: Vista Windows MSI installer not worki after repair
Post by: Willy2 on May 03, 2016, 09:17:22 am
- OK. One more question: what's the French name for the folder with the Temporary Internet Files of Internet Explorer ? In english it's "Temporary Internet Files" but what's the French name ? Can you pull that name up ?

- I'll go throught the attached files and see if there's something odd/weird.
Title: Re: Vista Windows MSI installer not worki after repair
Post by: Willy2 on May 03, 2016, 11:05:24 am
- The logs exposed one small bug in repair #07 when run on a 32 bits system.
- Since you're on a French version of Vista, please open the Services window (Services.msc). Tell me whether or not the description of a number of Services has changed from french to english after running Windows Repair.

I know VSS can be a REAL "Pain in the a**". But there're still a number of things that we can try.
- Run only "Repair VSS" and nothing else. Does that help ?
Title: Re: Vista Windows MSI installer not worki after repair
Post by: ftr on May 04, 2016, 07:27:52 am
Hi Willy,

the names of the services or their description seem not to have changed their langue.

I shall do a separate repair of VSS.

I looked for the French name for IE Temporary Internet Files but the windows search shows the location c:\(user name)\AppData\local\temporary internet files. So the English name remains in a French Vista installation.
If I search the term on the pc I find Internet explorer 7 (without "modules complémentaires")
When I open IE and type into the address bar the answer is: address not reachable. - But using IE is not a question for me today.

- Regarding "System Restore Points" :  Did you run among others "Repair Volume Shadow Copy" ? Did you run "Beta Repairs" ?
I did all the steps but now don't see under which menu I find the entries for Repair Volume Shadow Copy" or "Beta Repairs" .

Now, and this is important to me, my principal stats program, SPSS, does not run after the repairs as it should: When clicking on a file name to open data or syntax files this makes the prog start but often - not always - SPSS does not open the data or the syntax file.

BTW: I think the whole mess started with running ASO3 DiskOptimizer.
Title: Re: Vista Windows MSI installer not worki after repair
Post by: Boggin on May 04, 2016, 10:21:58 am
If you are only using IE 7 then you may not be able to reach - it may be the same even if you upgrade to IE 8 but other browsers are supported.

However, you can upgrade to IE 9 for Vista.

In IE if you click on the Tools cog then on About Internet Explorer it will tell you the version you are using.
Title: Re: Vista Windows MSI installer not worki after repair
Post by: Willy2 on May 04, 2016, 11:41:52 am
- Thanks. Your reply gives some important clues. I have helped Shane to improve the program and some bugs were language related.

- So, WR (Windows Repair) does something that SPSS doesn't like. I assume re-installing SPSS goes "a bit too far".
- VSS is abbreviation for Volume Shadow Copy Service. (Repair # 19). "Beta Repairs" tries (!!!) to repair the "System Restore Point" mechanism and can be found in the right hand bottom corner of the main repair screen.
-Yes, try if removing that program (with REVO Unistaller) would improve/solve the situation. REVO also scans the registry for remnants.
Title: Re: Vista Windows MSI installer not worki after repair
Post by: ftr on May 04, 2016, 03:01:05 pm
- Thanks. Your reply gives some important clues. I have helped Shane to improve the program and some bugs were language related.

- So, WR (Windows Repair) does something that SPSS doesn't like. I assume re-installing SPSS goes "a bit too far".

I have the original SPSS install dvd. The difficulty with SPSS is that once installed you have to register the program on the site - but the site does not exist any longer. And without registering the program does not work. SPSS was bought by IBM and IBM changed the site's name. So, when I tried to register on a new computer the program looked for the original site and as it does not exist any longer, the installation did not work.
So, I have a industry-level program that costed 4000 € and that is central to my professional work which opens sometimes, but not always, its data and the syntax file! . It's completely crazy.

Can you see where the SPSS installation was touched ? And is it possible to undo the repair ?

- VSS is abbreviation for Volume Shadow Copy Service. (Repair # 19). "Beta Repairs" tries (!!!) to repair the "System Restore Point" mechanism and can be found in the right hand bottom corner of the main repair screen.

I thought to have seen that there was a positive answer saying that the system restore had been repaired.

-Yes, try if removing that program (with REVO Unistaller) would improve/solve the situation. REVO also scans the registry for remnants.
Which program ?

I use Revo Uninstaller Pro, and it is one of the goodies.
Title: Re: Vista Windows MSI installer not worki after repair
Post by: ftr on May 04, 2016, 03:01:27 pm
- Thanks. Your reply gives some important clues. I have helped Shane to improve the program and some bugs were language related.

- So, WR (Windows Repair) does something that SPSS doesn't like. I assume re-installing SPSS goes "a bit too far".
- VSS is abbreviation for Volume Shadow Copy Service. (Repair # 19). "Beta Repairs" tries (!!!) to repair the "System Restore Point" mechanism and can be found in the right hand bottom corner of the main repair screen.
-Yes, try if removing that program (with REVO Unistaller) would improve/solve the situation. REVO also scans the registry for remnants.
Title: Re: Vista Windows MSI installer not worki after repair
Post by: Willy2 on May 05, 2016, 04:48:02 pm
- I mean, remove the Disk Optimizer program with REVO.
- Before you ran Windows Repair, did you make a backup of the registry with the program that comes with WR ? (I recommend to install the stand alone version as well. A LOT OF problems are caused by the registry). Perhaps restoring the old registry will help to "repair" SPSS again. SPSS could be storing a number of things in the registry. In the registry also info on the Volume Shadow Copy is stored.
- Don't you have a registration code for SPSS ? Or a confirmation email ? Or something like that ?

- Did you use a previous version of WR in the past ? Did SPSS "survive" that repair ?

- Try this program to fix VSS (almost the same code is contained in WR)
- The weblink above does make another question surface: Windows Vista should have a file called "stdprov.dll". Is that file in the "c:\windows\system32" or in the "c:\windows\system32\wbem" folder ?