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Main Forum => General Computer Support => Topic started by: Xas1953NC on May 09, 2015, 09:58:01 am
Hello all, The Streetlife website used to show graphical content as per the top pic (screen grab from W7+IE11) but now my computer (lower screen grab Vista 32 bit + IE9) only shows text. The Source link show the make up as html. No other site is affected. Can anyone please advise? Thanks.
Blast! I forgot to add the pic. Here it is
Have you tried clearing your browser cache?
Hello Samson, yes but no difference.
Maybe just the limitations of IE9. opens fine with Firefox ESR 31.6.0 but not at all with IE8, (I only have XP so cannot test with IE9).
IE8 gives the following message....
"Streetlife Sorry, your browser isn't supported
To access Streetlife you need to use a modern browser."
Perhaps someone else can check with IE9?
Had Streetlife running ok with IE9 prior to the problem.
If, as you said in your first post, other sites are OK, then it just maybe a fault at their end. Try again later on and report back if still no joy.
Meanwhile could someone else with IE9 give it a go and see if the site loads OK?
Have the problem for about 3 weeks now. I could exchange my computer for my wife's W7+IE11 but I think she would notice it!
Just received an email from Streetlife:
"Our technical team have become aware of a glitch affecting some users of Internet Explorer 9 on Windows Vista that can cause our website's stylesheet not to load.
We are currently working to discover the cause of this but I unfortunately do not have a timescale for this.
In the meantime, I can advise that the website should work in other browser's such as Google Chrome."
Ah ha, so the problem was at their end. Hope they sort it for you soon :wink: