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Main Forum => General Computer Support => Topic started by: jraju on October 06, 2014, 05:32:25 am
I have taken two session of videos in Samsung Galaxy Grandneo and copied the same to PC in a folder. On playing in the device, it plays On Playing the same videos in the device, the vertical orientation is maintained. But on playing in the PC it has changed to auto horizontal and everything were playing as if i have taken the video horizontally.
I know that i have taken the video vertically, as it would be not possible to capture the full size of a person in horizontal view. But while playing in , it auto rotates itself to the horizontal position in PC
While copying it has not asked me to convert or not. What is the problem? how to get it corrected
That is because, normally video is wider than it is taller. But phones/tablets do that differently.
So just like this that I found, you have to use software to recode it into the correct format.
Q. My son sends me videos of my grandson taken with a cellphone, but the ones he films in portrait mode play back in landscape mode in Windows Media Player on my Windows 7 computer. Is there a way to rotate them?
A. If you have the Windows Movie Maker software already installed on Windows 7, you should be able to import and rotate the clips using that program. If you do not have Movie Maker, Microsoft’s free basic video-editing program, it is available at Once you open Movie Maker, import the clip you want to change.
When you have a video open in the Movie Maker window, click the Edit tab to get to the options for rotating the clip left or right. Once you have flipped the clip, save the file to keep the new orientation.
Many other third-party video-editing programs can also rotate movie clips, so if you have such an application, you can try using it for the job. VideoLAN’s free VLC media player, Apple’s QuickTime Pro for Windows or Adobe Premiere Elements all can rotate videos. Each program’s own documentation will have instructions.
But media player classic, which I use, from the k-lite codec pack does have a rotate option.
Open Media Player Classic.
Click "View," and then "Options."
Click "Keys" under the "Player" section on the left-hand side. This displays a list of all the key commands on the right-hand side. Key commands are a combination of key-presses that perform a task in the player.
Scroll through the key commands until you see the "PnS Rotate" commands. These commands are what are used to rotate your image. The "X, Y and Z" after "Rotate" distinguishes which axis is rotated. When viewing an image that needs rotating, press the corresponding key listed next to the "PnS Rotate" command you need. For example, if your video image were upside-down you would use the "PnS Rotate Y" command.
Hi, Shane
I did try your recommended MPC , which i use for video, but i could not see any immediate action at all . I started play the video, gone to the option and select y+, for trial, but it does not rotate the video immediately. What should i do , should i play the entire video to have the desired effect?
I tried Free video flip and rotate from the authors site, using custom option, unchecking about 4 tool bars, 3 PUP, it went for a while, showing green progress bar, but it terminated without finishing. It took about 2 to 2and half hours to wait, but in vain.
I would be better advised on MPC as I have been using this as per your advice. You have given so much advice on this player, which helped me a lot.
Is there no settings that one could do in the phone itself, so that if copying to the PC, that it does not change the orientation?
The video converter by xilsoft produces the result, but on playing, there are troubles particularlyl in audio brakes all thro the video.
Please elaborate on MPC player. shane,
Hi, I downloaded VLC and it immediately converts the video with Tools, Effects and transformation menu. But the problem arise is when you play the video, it is already playing when you open a file, the colours are not actual and the video shows certain parts correctly and the other portion as if colours are splashed on the video screen. No image moving, colours splash moving. How to correct this?
Please let me have your MPC instruction.
try this one Also have a look at the Freemake video converter free program.
On my system in MPC it works just fine.
To change the rotation of the video I just hold down the alt key and hit the num 3 button on the keypad on the right side of my keyboard.
Then when I want to reset it back to normal I can keep rotating it back, or just use the reset option under the pan & zoom menu.
Here are screen shots to show what I did :-)
And yes it is spongebob, I have 5 kids, so dang straight I have a few kids shows lol
Hi, Thanks I will try and report back to you, Shane. For past two days, I am not receiving this fourm mail in my inbox, though i selected Notify me of replies.
I have tried your mpc menus. It works great. But the audio is not continuous. Why this problem? It is showing the video but audio is a kind of broken words in between the moving. Is there any fix for that? Can i repair MPC in control panel. Most of the applications there only has uninstall menu and no repair menu, if i right click on any program.
Shane what would be the audio issue? Your tutorial on mpc is excellent
Update: Hi, Shane, I have uninstalled the mpc and then installed the latest mega version from your recommended link in my previous post some years back. I have enabled the volume normalisation in both ffwd and normal sound items and also selected all the video and audio formats given in the mega pack. It worked amazingly and there is no audio problem and the video and audio play correctly. Thanks for excellent tips. Very simple and most effective
your recommended link
Shane , by the by, is there any trick to play a video taken by android mobile to fit the video fully in the mpc player while playing. This would be a great help if you could tell
I dont know MPC that well bud, I just play my videos in it while I program and thats about it, I never dug deep into it :-)