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Main Forum => Support & Help => Topic started by: streetwolf on December 06, 2013, 04:15:53 pm

Title: - (Right Click) Allow, Block or Remove - Windows Firewall
Post by: streetwolf on December 06, 2013, 04:15:53 pm
Doesn't  add anything to the right-click context menu.  Running Windows 8.1 Pro x64.
Title: Re: - (Right Click) Allow, Block or Remove - Windows Firewall
Post by: Shane on December 06, 2013, 04:19:21 pm
Did you open the right click menu options exe and click on it to add the regkeys?

I will boot up my windows 8.1 in vmware and do another test to make sure :-)

Title: Re: - (Right Click) Allow, Block or Remove - Windows Firewall
Post by: Shane on December 06, 2013, 04:24:01 pm
Works for me bud. You need to open Right_Click_Options.exe and click on the add right click menu.

I didnt make an installer since there is no shortcuts or anything that is needed and wanted to keep things clean. Perhaps I should make a install.bat file and add it to the zip file?

Title: Re: - (Right Click) Allow, Block or Remove - Windows Firewall
Post by: streetwolf on December 06, 2013, 04:25:37 pm
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





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[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\ShimLayer Property Page]

Title: Re: - (Right Click) Allow, Block or Remove - Windows Firewall
Post by: Shane on December 06, 2013, 04:28:06 pm

Title: Re: - (Right Click) Allow, Block or Remove - Windows Firewall
Post by: streetwolf on December 06, 2013, 04:34:06 pm
Here's what my context menu looks like.

Title: Re: - (Right Click) Allow, Block or Remove - Windows Firewall
Post by: Shane on December 06, 2013, 04:35:22 pm
Right click on the exe and choose run as administrator.

I noticed I freaking forgot the .exe on the manifest file which tells windows to the exe needs admin rights.


should be


I will get that update right away.

Title: Re: - (Right Click) Allow, Block or Remove - Windows Firewall
Post by: streetwolf on December 06, 2013, 04:40:41 pm
Renaming the manifest per your instructions did nothing.  However, running the options program as Admin did put it into the context menu.

*** Actually I just noticed that you didn't tell me to rename the file so I guess there is more to it.
Title: Re: - (Right Click) Allow, Block or Remove - Windows Firewall
Post by: Shane on December 06, 2013, 04:42:12 pm
The manifest file tells windows it needs admin rights. So when you click on it, it should come up and ask for permission.

I updated the zip file on the site. I will double check that I got it right though lol

Title: Re: - (Right Click) Allow, Block or Remove - Windows Firewall
Post by: Shane on December 06, 2013, 04:46:31 pm
*** Actually I just noticed that you didn't tell me to rename the file so I guess there is more to it.

No renaming the file is fine. I renamed it on my system and it is now asking for permission when I double click the exe. It wasnt before.

You will notice the manifest files with the other exes as well and you will see how it has to have the .exe in there :-)

Title: Re: - (Right Click) Allow, Block or Remove - Windows Firewall
Post by: streetwolf on December 06, 2013, 04:49:04 pm
Tried your new zip file and still a no go.  I updated the options program to run as admin via compatibility options which also fixes the problem.

I am running with the UAC slider at the bottom if that makes a difference.
Title: Re: - (Right Click) Allow, Block or Remove - Windows Firewall
Post by: Shane on December 06, 2013, 04:52:35 pm
I am running with the UAC slider at the bottom if that makes a difference.

Actually that does. In Windows 8 you can now longer actually turn off the UAC. You can use a regkey setting to fully turn it off but then the app store wont work.

Turning it down tot he lowest level in 8 will simply have it no longer ask you to run a program with admin rights and will simply not run them with it. So you always have to right click and choose run as admin or set it in the compatibility.

This is one of the things I hate about 8.

Try bumping up the side 1 notch and then try and you will see it will ask you then.

Title: Re: - (Right Click) Allow, Block or Remove - Windows Firewall
Post by: streetwolf on December 06, 2013, 04:57:54 pm
Going up a notch does indeed give me the UAC message.  Two things... Why use manifests at all?  I don't see any programs I checked that use them.  Secondly, many folks set the UAC to the bottom.  Those programs that require Admin will give me a message stating so.  I'll either have to run them a Admin using the context menu or just set them as admin in the compatibility options.
Title: Re: - (Right Click) Allow, Block or Remove - Windows Firewall
Post by: Shane on December 06, 2013, 05:02:54 pm
Most programs have the manifest file embedded in the exe itself. I dont do that. I like having it out so users can look at it with notepad if they wish.

In vista and 7 when you turned UAC off it was truly off. In 8 it isnt.
