Author Topic: 5/5 Stars - Advanced System Tweaker  (Read 8241 times)

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5/5 Stars - Advanced System Tweaker
« on: March 17, 2013, 10:49:30 am »
I've tried probably every free and paid system tweaker program available since I first started seeing them pop up in the Win95 days.

I was never truly happy with any of them as they were very limited in capability and focused on specific things. The only one that came close to making me happy was X-Setup which did a good job and had a lot of tweaks available, but still was locked down which, again, limited its' capabilities.

I recently decided to go hunting for another tweaking program for my Win7 setup and had seen lots of good reviews on's "fix-ya" kinda programs so when I found out that there was a Advanced Tweaking program, I had to try it.

WOW! It's the best! It's expandable, customizable, it's non-abrasive, it's not a resource hog, I can SEE exactly what changes are going to be made before I make any changes, and I get to write my own tweaks and add new tweaks as they become available! The "community supported" platform that you decided to go with was ingenious and will make sure that the program stays current with the changing times and will provide more tweaks (for free) than any other system tweaking program available.

The only suggestion I have for the program to make it easier for people is to add a program update feature that automatically updates the program....but also applies all of the latest tweaks created by the community (after you have vetted them of course). That way people can stay up-to-date with all the latest (stable) tweaks without having to go hunting through the Add-ons forum.

I'm new to but very experienced with computers and networks since the early 90's.

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Re: 5/5 Stars - Advanced System Tweaker
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2013, 01:56:51 pm »
I am happy to hear you like how I did the program :-)

Depending if the program ever gets popular I will add more things and make it better :-)

Right now as you can see it is slow to get off its feet. But I am hoping that will change as more users like you submit add ons and help make it better :cheesy:
