I'm not sure if this will put things right for you but you could give it a try.
Create a Win 10 install USB (min size 8GB) after reading -
https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/software-download/windows10Boot up with the USB and navigate to the Install screen
Click on Repair your computer and select Command Prompt.
At the prompt type bcdedit |find "osdevice"
For clarity that is a Pipe symbol before find and is the uppercase of \
Using your partition letter instead of the X I have exampled, enter -
dism /image:X:\ /cleanup-image /restorehealth
sfc /scannow /offbootdir=X:\ /offwindir=X:\Windows
The sfc /scannow should report no integrity violations.
Enter exit to close the cmd window, remove the install USB, restart then try the advanced boot options again.