Author Topic: Thanks beyond words! and a question  (Read 14218 times)

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Offline misty

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Thanks beyond words! and a question
« on: April 30, 2021, 05:26:54 pm »
I don't know how long this site has been up; but, some many months back, I heard two techs discussing great software for windows issues.  They were talking about!  I came here and downloaded the free WR and forgot about it as I didn't need it then.  Well, after all this time, I forgot that I had it.  Between the last 2 win 10 updates that are so kindly forced on us, MS managed to practically destroy my desktop.  I worked on it for days trying MS tools, other well known repair softwares, and 1 trip to each of two different computer tech shops.  Both places I was told generally the same thing.... bite the bullet... buy new desktop.  I am not a person to take those words well.  Neither do I have unlimited funds available to throw at buying new.  $1500 is not in my budget.  I kept thinking that there is a way to straighten this out if I can figure it out.  Then, I remembered your Windows Repair Tool!  In about a matter of 30 minutes, this thing was like brand new!  I cannot thank enough.  I am nearly 80 years old and I am still the one who keeps the family's computers going....  not sure how long I can keep doing that...  haha!  My time is running out.  But, if I had listened to what I was told, I would have had to spend money I didn't have. My appreeciation is boundless.  This leads me to my question.  I would like to buy the tech version as I understand it has the most tools. Does that mean that it contains all of what you offer on this site? And, is that a forever license?  I don't need the license for any commercial use... only for my immediate family who never compensates me.  I just enjoy doing what I can.  Thanks again, Misty
Oh, yes, one other thing.  What is the real difference between the mobile version and the install-to-harddrive version as they are quite different in download size?

Offline Boggin

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Re: Thanks beyond words! and a question
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2021, 01:49:14 am »
While the repairs are the same in the free version of WR as they are in the Pro version, you do get some added features, although I don't know if you would need them when your machine is running okay.

You would install the mobile version onto an USB but as the license is machine specific, that would just be the free version and it's just as easy to install WR onto the machine that requires some attention.

A couple of useful cmds to use if your system doesn't seem quite as it should be and run from a Command Prompt (Admin) or Powershell (Admin) are -

dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

sfc /scannow

Below are pics of the additional tools you would get with the Pro version -

The first one is for Advanced Repairs and the second is for Advanced Tools

« Last Edit: May 01, 2021, 01:55:16 am by Boggin, Reason: Typo »