I have several media players and some of them work normally. I recently
reinstalled 2 more which used to work fine before I upgraded to Windows 10 but now just crash without playing the video at all.
Divx player crashes as soon as it opens and shows the program stopped working error and then closes.
https://www.divx.com/en/software/divx/KMplayer open but does the same thing when trying to play any video.
http://en.kmplayer.com/I updated the O/S to the latest in all available hoping it would solve it but it did not. No corrupted files showing with SFC /Verifyonly.
Event viewer shows that the programs have crashed but does not give enough details to trace it back to the source. I tried running the programs in compatibility with other versions of the Windows and as an administrator but all have failed.
Is there a way to find the issue that is causing this to fix it?
I am not looking for alternatives. I just want to know about these two and why would they crash?